Hiya! My name is Lavvie, I like to draw, write stories, and play video games. I also enjoy anime and build miniatures in my free time. My sense of humor is dark and I may or may not have several dead babies in my freezer for whenever I get hungry uwu

Lavvie @LavvieGuro

Age 21, Gorl

Joined on 5/11/20

Exp Points:
1,245 / 1,350
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.32 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 11m 6d

LavvieGuro's News

Posted by LavvieGuro - August 6th, 2024

Artfight ended not too long ago! Horray! I will be posting the attacks onto here to give y'all some stuff to look at while I work on some new stuffs such as requests that come my way uwu. <3

This year had me doing 26 attacks with one mass attack and a whole ass animation! The result? Over 1k points earned for team seafoam! I am extremely excited for next year, which I plan to dedicate to drawing mechas since I suck at mechs.

Speaking of mechas, I really been enjoying Mobile Suit Gundam! I am still somewhat early on in the 79 series, so no spoilers, okay?

Who is your favorite and why? I took a liking to Char cuz he's pretty~


Posted by LavvieGuro - July 24th, 2022

hey there! my comms have been opened back up, albeit they're gonna be less frequent to prevent burnout

Posted by LavvieGuro - April 10th, 2022

I have been honing in on my lineart skills, and I come to make an announcement. I have been experimenting with more detailed lines in my art, so varying thicknesses and the like, as such, Sketch comms will have clean but LESS DETAILED LINES. Here is WIP example of this new type of linework.iu_601632_8001241.webp


Posted by LavvieGuro - January 31st, 2022

Been thinking of adding like...a horny tax to my nsfw artwork, but I dunno how much I should add...any ideas? Also, my discord has been changed from my last news post, its LavvieTheKitsune#3506 now!

Posted by LavvieGuro - July 9th, 2021

Commissions are open! They've been open for quite some time, I was just shy about posting a promo till now!

Here is my ko-fi! :D https://ko-fi.com/lavandulakitsune

If you cannot access my Ko-Fi, here are my prices!

Here are my prices: Sketch (no lineart, color, or shading)

5 dollar headshot

10 dollar halfbody

15 dollar fullbody

Sketch: (no lineart or shading but colored

5 dollar headshot

15 dollar halfbody

20 dollar fullbody

Sketch: (colored and shaded)

10 dollar headshot

15 dollar halfboody

25 dollar fullbody

IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!!! Sketches are messier than lineart, including shading and coloring. If you need more polish, choose the options with LINEART.

Lineart (no coloring or shading)

10 dollar headshot

20 dollar halfbody

25 dollar fullbody

Lineart (coloring, no shading)

15 dollar headshot

25 dollar halfbody

30 dollar fullbody

Lineart (coloring and shading)

20 dollar headshot

30 dollar halfbody

35 dollar fullbody

lineless (colored, no shading)

30 dollar headshot

35 dollar halfbody

40 dollar fullbody

lineless (colored and shaded)

40 dollar headshot

45 dollar halfbody

50 dollar fullbody

My discord is Warhammeow#3506 so shoot me a dm so we can talk about it if you are interested! ^^



Posted by LavvieGuro - April 16th, 2021

I wanna say thanks to JaylinZonarel (newgrounds.com) for the new banner! A broski from discord did my pfp :D Expect some stuff this weekend! I'm especially hyped for the new Chibi ref sheet :3